Research on the value of having students create PowerPoints

Research on the value of having students create PowerPoints


Having to create a presentation can often enhance students’ engagement with their writing. After he recognized that his students were not engaged in writing their research papers, Alan Perry (2003) added a PowerPoint presentation so that students could share the results of their research with peers in the hopes that having to do a presentation would enhance their interest in conducting their research. He specified that presentations needed to include at least 12 slides, be between seven and ten minutes, and include at least two graphics or illustrations.


Based on pre-post surveys and interviews with 26 students, he found that working on the presentation enhanced the quality of their writing. On a survey 23 of the students agreed with the statement, “I think that doing this project helped me be better prepared for writing the term paper” (p. 65). Doing the presentation also reduced procrastination in engaging the research, as well as helping students acquire presentation skills.


Perry, A. E. (2003). PowerPoint presentations: A creative addition to the research process. English Journal, 92(6), 64-69.